Theatre Factory Young Producers with tales of Mars, Sputnik and Underpants - yes Underpants!
In partnership with and performed at Barrow Library, marking 50 years since the Apollo Moon Landings.
MCs Michael Hudson and Daniel Hardie
The Boy from Mars
Mum Tara Edwards – Doughty
Dad Michael Hudson
Will Vinnie McIlgorm
Stanley Riley Gregg
Aliens Love Underpants
Storyteller Tom Wilacy
Music Nicole Rose
The Star in the Jar
Little Brother Archie Harris
Big Sister Tara Edwards – Doughty
Other characters Daniel Hardie and Michael Hudson
Directed by Karen Hall and Phill Gregg
MCs Michael Hudson and Daniel Hardie
The Boy from Mars
Mum Tara Edwards – Doughty
Dad Michael Hudson
Will Vinnie McIlgorm
Stanley Riley Gregg
Aliens Love Underpants
Storyteller Tom Wilacy
Music Nicole Rose
The Star in the Jar
Little Brother Archie Harris
Big Sister Tara Edwards – Doughty
Other characters Daniel Hardie and Michael Hudson
Directed by Karen Hall and Phill Gregg